We finally made it! After 2 weekends of rain and cold, this weekend was beautiful so we drove up and hiked in the river. Doug and I,Brad and Stephanie,and Justin (Jessica's husband). We hiked about 6 miles total. We would have gone farther, but we needed to get back down the river before dark. The water wasn't too high. It only went up to our thighs a couple of times. It is so beautiful in there. Pictures don't do it justice. We rented neoprene socks this time and it kept our feet nice and toasty.(except Brad and I each had a tiny hole in one of ours and so that foot was cold)The water was 54 degrees. When we were in the shade and the wind was blowing, it was a little chilly. We saw a pretty 110 foot waterfall. Around every corner was something awesome to see. About 10 minutes from the end of our hike, Justin climbed up into some alcoves to get a cool picture and he fell in crossing back over.We all had a great time, and are planning on going again. I love having such a beautiful place only an hours drive from our house. Today, Brad,Stephanie,MaKayla , and Justin went back and are climbing Angels Landing, so check their blogs soon for that. I know this is a lot of pictures, but I couldn't decide which ones of the 60 I took to put on here....