"D" for Dixie

Brad and pilots

On way to the Grand Canyon

The pilots

My ride: Piper Navajo

Putting on engine covers

Kevin, Tonya, me and Brad in Phoenix

Ready for take off

Flying into Phoenix (pools in every yard...)

St George Temple

Flying through the clouds

The Grand Canyon

Me in Brad's helicopter
Brads boss needed him to go to Phoenix and help him work on a plane,(besides being a helicopter instructor, Brad is also working on fixing the planes, etc.) so he invited me to go and surprise Tonya and Kevin. (They live 12 miles from this particular airport) so I decided to go even though I was terrified of flying in such a small plane. I ended up calling Kevin to make sure they would be home because it is their anniversary weekend, and I didn't want to miss them. There was the pilot, co-pilot, Brad and I. The plane we took is a Piper Navajo. (8 seats) They have been restoring it for months. They just finished it this week and need to put lots of flying hours on it before it goes to the Phillipines, so they have been test flying it. When we got there this morning they had to still put the engine covers on. I trust Brad, or I would never had gotten on it. It only took us 1 1/2 hours to fly from here. (it is an 8 hour drive) We all had on headphones, so it was pretty cool listening to all the traffic controllers etc. I took over 100 pictures of everything. We went over the Grand Canyon and I got pictures of the Colorado river, etc. I got a good picture of the St George Temple. On the way home the clouds were cool. We flew through them. It was pretty bumpy the last 5 minutes or so. The pilot gave me a barf bag, but thank goodness I didn't need it. The a/c wasn't quite right so midway through the flight they opened the front windows by the pilot. That freaked me out for a second. Of course, we weren't high enough for it to matter. It felt great in there after that. We went to breakfast with Tonya and Kevin and after I visited for awhile, they came back to the hanger and watched us take off. It is so amazing to be able to fly there, visit, and fly home in a little over 6 hours. It was a day I will always remember and cherish. Thanks to Brad for arranging it. I overcame my fear and I would go again in a second. At the hanger in St George I got to get in one of the helicopters Brad uses.