"The Wizard Of Oz"
Last night we went to see Alize perform in the Wizard of Oz. Her theater teacher is Lyndy (a friend of Jessica's) They performed at the historic St. George Opera house. Ali was a Munchkin. It was her first time on stage. She did a great job.She was nervous at first, but when it was over she said she would like to be in more plays. (I don't know where my grandkids get the acting, singing, and dancing gene from. It isn't me.) Ali reminds me so much of Jessica at that age. She was in every play we could try out for. Anyway, they did a great job. There were only about 12 cast members and they did awesome.
Quail Lake
Yesterday we went to Quail Lake with Brad and family.It felt so good to ski again. The water temp was perfect and so very very pretty. Everyone had fun jumping in and cooling off in the lake (even the dog) and wake boarding and knee boarding. They are getting pretty good at it. We are so lucky to live within 20 minutes of 3 lakes to choose from. I can't wait to go again. It was hard taking pictures because when the boat was moving, I missed and got a lot of blurry pictures of the spray instead of the skiers.
Beautiful Ballerinas

For Father's Day weekend we went to The Covey Center in Provo to see Scott and Luann's girls perform in a Jazz recital on Friday, and on Saturday they were in the ballet"Coppelia" I had never seen that one before. It was very pretty and had a great story. They all 3 did a super job. Of course, the little 4 year old "baby dolls" stole the show. Luann spends a LOT of time driving them to all their lessons each week. Gabrielle has been taking dance a long time now, and it shows. She does a super job. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She has a great future ahead of her in the arts if she chooses!!
Grandma Day
One day a week we are taking the grandkids to the PTA movies and then they come back here and swim and have picnic lunch. It has been fun. (They are here almost everyday anyway, but we wanted to make one day different from the rest!!!
Pine Valley
We stayed in the new campground in Pine Valley (Dean Gardner) They are re doing the old one. This one is right next to the reservoir. We were about 75 yards from the water. I love camping and fishing.
Sand Cove Reservoir
We went camping to a place we had never been to before. We went for Memorial Day. We stayed in Brad and Steph's pop up trailer. We caught quite a lot of fish. The best part is that it is only 20 minutes from our house. We had a good time!
Piano Recitals
We went to the grandkids piano recitals this month. Scott's family was in Springville, and Jessica's family was in Enterprise. It is fun watching them grow up and improve each year. They are all doing a great job. It was Ali's and Gwyneth's first year. I am proud of them.
School Graduations/ Programs
We went to Izzy's 1st grade end of year program, and Mandi's pre school graduation. They both did a great job singing. Mandi is so ready for Kindergarten. Ali had a program too, but my camera was on the wrong setting and the pictures were all blurry! Time is flying by too fast!!
Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!!!!
We have so many birthdays in the spring, and not a single one in June. It's fun watching the grandkids growing up. (My own kids birthdays just make me feel old)
I started a tradition when MaKayla was born of "The Growing Up Dolls" The girls get one every year on their birthday. (Now that I have 8 granddaughters I might go broke...) On Jessica's birthday I took her to the spa for a day of pampering. Massage, facial, pedicure, manicure and hair done, and also a yummy lunch. It was a fun day.
I started a tradition when MaKayla was born of "The Growing Up Dolls" The girls get one every year on their birthday. (Now that I have 8 granddaughters I might go broke...) On Jessica's birthday I took her to the spa for a day of pampering. Massage, facial, pedicure, manicure and hair done, and also a yummy lunch. It was a fun day.
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