Warming up before we left! |
Debbie, Melissa, & Cynthia |
Alex coming in to finish line. |
Cynthia |
Stephanie |
After we all came in! |
Alex with his 1st place trophy! |
Stephanie, and I have been training for this run for a while. I am having problems with my shins, so I was hoping I could run it. Stephanie actually ran the half marathon with her brother. My friend from high school (Debbie Newman Phelps) and her grandson, came to run it with us too. My grandson Alex, and his mom Luann, and Tonya's friend Melissa came too. It was fun to start out with all these friends and family. It didn't take long before we were all in different places. It snowed hard during the night, so it was a little chilly, but the sun came out and it turned out to be a beautiful run. There are usually flowers all along the route, but the cold weather changed all that. I finished in 6th place for my age group. My time was: 35 minutes. My legs were hurting pretty bad, but I knew I could finish.( Debbie came in 2nd) Alex took 1st for his age! Stephanie finished her first ever half Marathon and came across the finish line with a stress fracture. She was in tons of pain. Once you get the running high, and you love it you don't want to quit!