This year we all met at Brad's house in Las Vegas for Thanksgiving. While we were waiting for him to get off work, we passed out a few small presents for the kids. Great Grandma Hawker had made a Christmas gift for each of her great grandkids, and the week before she died, she made me promise to give it to them for her. I hope it is something they will all treasure because it is the last homemade gifts she made. Unfortunately, Brads schedule got changed at the last minute, and after waiting hours we went ahead and ate without him there. As soon as Brad got home we went out in the dark to a little park by their house and took a new family picture. Then we went to the Ethel M Chocolate factory to the beautiful light display they have outside. It was fun getting to spend time with all the kids and grandkids!!
Gifts from Great Grandma Hawker
Light Display at Ethel M Chocolate Factory
Jessica's Family
Family Picture!!