Watching Christmas Vacation - November 27th, 2021

 The last fun activity the kids planned for our anniversary weekend was that they had rented out the movie theater in Page just for our family. They made us all matching shirts with a saying from the movie. Some of Scotts family had to leave before the movie to drive home to catch a flight. We usually all watch this movie together on Thanksgiving day so this was a fun treat. We watched Christmas Vacation. We all know every single line of the movie. It was a blast!

That evening the rest of us who were still in Page went to the Christmas Parade downtown. They light up the floats. Santa comes at the end. It was a great way to end our special 50th Wedding Anniversary weekend, and to get us in the spirit for Christmas. I love Doug and hope we have many more happy years together, and I want to thank our kids and grandkids for the awesome weekend! I love you all!!!

50th Wedding Anniversary - November 26th, 2021

For my anniversary present Doug got down on one knee and gave me a beautiful new diamond ring. I love my shiny ring! I gave him a car cover for his 56 Chevy! 

 The reason we are all in Page is to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. The kids knew I wanted a new family picture of all of us, so they hired a photographer. We all met at Lone Rock (Lake Powell) and did a photo shoot for 2 hours. The weather was perfect and the water was smooth as glass. I can't wait to see the final photos when they are ready. Ali is in Florida and she is the only person that couldn't make it.

After the photo shoot we all came back to Brad's house and they had a party for us. They had a cake,  (the bakery spelled anniversary wrong on the cake....I would have never noticed if they hadn't have shown it to me!) The kids had all written about some of their favorite memories of us. Jessica made a scrapbook with the old pictures in them, and we will add new pictures from this weekend. They had Doug and I play a version of the Newlywed game, and the kids were surprised how well we knew each other. We hardly missed any questions!

One of the best things they surprised us with is... they had us re create a photo we had taken almost 40 years ago. They made us the  exact same shirts and found red shorts, etc. It was a lot of fun!!

Then we all went back to our rental houses and relaxed for a little while. Alex and Zack came to ours and we worked on some puzzles for a few hours.

That evening we all came back to Brads and we played games. Alex taught us a new word game and then we played the Psychiatrist game. It was a fun day.

Thanksgiving 2021 - Thursday November 25th

Our whole family (except Ali) met up in Page where Brad lives. We stayed in different VRBO and hotels. Brad and Stephanie had us all over for a huge Thanksgiving dinner. 

That evening we were all invited to an Ugly Christmas sweater murder mystery party. We all were different suspects, and we had to find out who the murderer was by the end of the evening. (Sam Sugarplum murdered Roxy Rich) It was a lot of fun, and everyone dressed up in ugly sweaters!!

 Walter Wonka and Isabella Rudolph :

Olly Joy and Greg Jingles: 

Tendo Claus and Eva Evergreen:


Ebenezer Nightshade and Alexis Harmony:

Roxy Rich and Sam Sugarplum:


Volleyball Game - November 13th, 2021

 We went to Page for the weekend to watch Emily in her Volleyball tournament. They played 2 games. They lost both of them. The second one the score was very close. She did a great job. Her best friend is on the same team. It was fun watching them play.

Veterans Day - November 11th, 2021

 I went to Lilly's Veterans day choir at the park today. They sang a lot of patriotic songs to all the veterans who came to the park. Before they sang , the choir had all marched in the parade.