New Carpet and Floors - May- June 2023

We finally decided to get rid of our 32 year old vinyl in the bathrooms, and to also replace our carpeting. We took the carpet out of our closet and put new floors in there instead. I love it. We were not going to do the downstairs because it was expensive, but I accidentally flooded the bedroom downstairs, so we ended up carpeting that room also, and Doug liked the new floors in the upstairs bathrooms and laundry room, so he wanted it downstairs so it would all match.  So after all is said and done, the whole house got new floors!!!

Fathers Day - June 16-18th, 2023

 Doug and I, and Ali and Kayden, went to Pine Valley for Fathers Day. We ate at The Brandin' Iron for dinner one night. We fished and relaxed. It was too crowded here so we are going to start coming during the week. I gave him a puzzle . It was a nice 2 days.

Back Yard - June 3rd, 2023

 I took these pictures of the backyard today. I love our yard. We have done a lot of work back there. I just wish we used it more. It seems like the only time we use it is to go out there to do yard work!!