Our 1st great granddaughter was born on June 30th, 2024, at 9:49 am at St. George Regional Hospital. She was born at 27 weeks and weighed 2 lbs. 1 oz. and is 15 inches long. MaKayla was admitted to the hospital 2 days before with Pre -eclampsia. Her blood pressure was too high. They were hoping she could go home and take it way easy and try to get to 34 weeks, before delivering the baby. But on Sunday morning, the decided they needed to do an emergency C-Section, so our sweet Amelia was born. I am so thankful for the Doctors and nurses that are taking care of them both. Amelia will be in the NICU for a couple of months. MaKayla came home on day 3. Her and Kolten go to the hospital to hold Amelia as often as they can. We are so thankful they are doing well. Here are some pictures from her 1st week. Doug and I got to see her for the first time without her breathing machine at 6 days old. She is perfect!
Father's Day - June 17th, 2024
We went to Pine Valley for Father's Day. It is a lot cooler here. We fished a lot because it was cooler by the water. In the mornings we went for walks before it got hot. One thing that happened, but I didn't get my camera out in time was...while Doug was fishing, a Bird landed on his pole and just stared at him for a minute. When I tried to get my camera out , it flew away. We have had dragonflies land on our poles before, but never a bird.
Emily and Stephanie in Europe - June 2024
Emily and Stephanie went on tour with EF tours through their school. They went to Italy, Germany, Austria and Switzerland. They sent a few pictures from their trip. It looks amazing. They had a great time.
Master Bedroom - June 1st, 2024
I finally got tired of our blue accent wall in our bedroom, so we spent the day changing it back to the same color brown as the rest of the room. And then of course, I had to buy new bedding to match!!!