Jessica and Justin had the baby on May 1st at 4:01 pm. He weighs 8 lbs. 15 oz., and is 20 1/2 in. He is a chunky little guy. He looks just like his daddy. They are both doing good. He was 12 days early. It is a good thing, or he might have been 10 lbs.... He looks like he is going to have white hair(like Justin did growing up) We now have 2 grandsons. Yea!!!! Ali and Mandi are in love with him, and want him to come home soon.
I make the cutest fattest babies! Hello everyone! I would start a blog if I knew how and/or owned a computer and had internet access. So if you want to know much more, you'll have to call me. So call me!!
Tonya already has a nickname for him, she is going to call him "Chunk." We will have to teach him the truffle shuffle! Congrats Bud and Justin!
I make the cutest fattest babies! Hello everyone! I would start a blog if I knew how and/or owned a computer and had internet access. So if you want to know much more, you'll have to call me. So call me!!
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