My new Camera

Indian Paintbrush (zoom out)

Zoom in

Waterfall in Zion Canyon

Our 5th wheel is behind the trees. This was taken on a hike about a mile away from our camp. We were on the Watchman Trail.


Raven (zoom in)

Squirrel in tree

Squirrel (zoom in)

Fishpond in our backyard
(zoom in)
Fishpond (zoom out)

Doug bought me a new camera for my birthday. It's perfect for me. Not too fancy, and small enough to carry around easily. I'm still trying to figure out some of the cool things it does, but my favorite so far is the zoom. Here are some pictures I took trying it out. The video is of Izzy up at Emerald Pools in Zion Canyon last weekend. It is the first time I took and posted a video!!! (Remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I had fun at Zion with you guys! I hope we can hike the narrows next time.

I'm also very impressed you learned how to post a video. Go Mom!