Flying High!

"Da Plane"

Cynthia waiting to board

The Pilot (he is so handsome)

Colorado River

Hoover Dam

The new bridge

Low water level at the dam!

Doug bought a car at an online auction in Kingman Arizona. We needed to drive and pick it up, and Brad called and said he was flying there to get parts to work on an airplane, so he let us come along for the ride. It took less than an hour to get there. They flew us over the edge of the Grand Canyon. We could see the glass walkout lookout they have there. We couldn't fly in close enough to get a good picture, but I got some of the Colorado river. I got a little airsick until we reached a higher altitude. It was a fun experience. On the drive home(4 hours...) we stopped at Hoover dam. The water level is very low right now. The new bridge was getting ready to open. It is huge. Flying is the way to go. Thanks, Brad!!!!

1 comment:

meacham said...

Man that looks like a lot of fun flying over the Hoover Dam