Long Arm Quilting

Me pinning the quilt on the machine

The bear pattern Tonya did

First minute on the machine

Cute bear

Tonya and Stephanie(getting the laser lined up with the pattern)


Unpinning the quilt

Heart pattern



Sea Creatures

Tonya came to visit for a few days last month, so we took 3 of her baby quilts that she and a friend made and went to the Long Arm Quilting store. It was her first time using the machines. She caught on really quickly. It is very fun and addictive. Stephanie and I want to buy a machine of our own. We have done about 20 quilts so far, ranging from lap quilts to King size. Tonya did a cute bear pattern on one of them. It was a pretty hard pattern to use for her first time. I remember using a puzzle piece for my first one. The hardest one I ever did was the daisies. I kept forgetting if I had done all the petals.


Luann said...

All of your quilts have turned out so well! I really need to make a quilt top and try out that long arm.

Anonymous said...

So do you know someone who has a long arm or is it a company that lets you do it yourself? I have a quilt that I want done.

Anonymous said...

Ok that last comment was from Me. melissa codella

Cynthia said...

Melissa, It is a store by my house. They charge 15.00 per hour. (It was 10.00 last year)We have done quilts for other people. Call me about it. If you want to pay I will do it for you, or you can come and learn how. What size is it?