What an interesting 24 hours. Yesterday, we saw something floating out in the ocean, and when it got stuck on the rocks on our beach, Brad's family walked out to it and it was a dead Humpback whale. We believe it was a young one. It was about 32 feet long. This morning when we woke up, the tide had big waves had washed it right onto the beach. It stunk so bad. We all went to see it. It was sad to see it like that, but also very interesting. Later in the day, the local fishermen (and Brad) used a boat and a lot of pushing from a truck, and they got it back into the water, and then they hauled it out quite a ways. We heard it landed way down on another beach, and they finally had the fishermen come and bury it. We spent the rest of the day relaxing on the beach, and ended the night with S'mores!! The moon over the ocean is so beautiful. The waves were a lot bigger today and the kids had fun on the boogey boards.
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