Trip to Nauvoo - Day #4 - September 24th, 2019

Before we left Nauvoo we went to the Red Brick Store. This is where Joseph Smith owned and ran the dry goods store. Upstairs is where they started the Relief Society, he translated the Book of Abraham, he wrote The Articles of Faith. This is where the first Temple sealings were done, before the Temple was finished. It was cool seeing where he sat, and where he looked out at the Mississippi river.

We left Nauvoo and drove to Carthage Jail. My experience here is hard to write about. It was very emotional. The spirit in here was very powerful. To see the room where the Prophet was killed hit me harder than I thought. It is hard to explain, but in the actual room standing by the window that he fell out of when he was shot, I was filled with a very calm peaceful feeling. I knew for sure, that everything he taught is true. He gave his life for what he knew to be true. There are still bullet holes in the door. Once I was out of the room and outside where he fell to the ground, I could not stop crying. 

 Looking through the bullet hole to the window he fell from.

After Carthage jail, we drove to Hannibal, Missouri. We went on the Mark Twain Riverboat cruise down the Mississippi river. The river is huge. We had dinner and then sat up on the deck. It was peaceful watching the day change to night!

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